Four of my particle painting works of Sharon Tate will be in Los Angeles Center for Digital Art invitational “Electron Salon” 2015. If you are in LA go check it out!
LACDA – Los Angeles Center for Digital Art
Electron Salon Series
International Group Exhibit
March 12-April 4, 2015
Reception: March 12 , 7-9pm
In conjunction with the Downtown Art Walk
Alan Singer, Amy Carroll, Anita Krisko, Gizem Karayavuz, Clare Winslow, Dan McCormack, Don Relyea, Dorothee Rapp, George Grubb, Gerard Frances, James Mansour, John Brooks, John Waiblinger, Laura Krasnow, Lida Chaulet, Michael Tyson Murphy, Pere Ibanez, Pistolwish, Ria Kmetova¡, Sharon Styer, Sue Lezon, Susanne Belcher, Jon Tarry, Elizabeth Newman Kuiper, Michael B Wood, Christophe Kiciak, Paul Sloan, Siamesebirds, Jane Gottlieb, Darren Hepburn