theory of humanistic futility – Feb 2009
Humanity is headed for a population correction.
As members of a closed ecosystem (the earth) we are bound by the same natural vectors of population control as all living things are on this planet. When humanity tries to escape natural selection through technology or other means we are just compounding problems for ourselves in the future.
Our humanistic efforts to flourish as a species by fighting disease, war and poverty are a mockery of Darwinism that will catch up with us in time.
Available now at these online stores:
Below is a sampling of the tracks on the release I have put up on soundcloud.
Rude says:
Mar 5, 2012
Luv your tracks!
Arnold's Flex and Pose says:
Nov 2, 2012
I have found something funny while elucidating on this subject.. The biochemists have allegedly discovered that they can farm biogas from a crop of algae. A direct replacement for petroleum would prove useful in our society. As far as all the other materials we use, I am unsure. But I don’t think I’m farmer material. I’m certain I will eventually die, so it doesn’t matter when, really. But not knowing makes it more exciting!