Particle painting portraits of Sharon Tate will be in LACDA invitational “Electron Salon” Art Show 2015
Four of my particle painting works of Sharon Tate will be in Los Angeles Center for Digital Art invitational “Electron Salon” 2015. If you are in LA go check it out! LACDA – Los Angeles Center for Digital Art Electron Salon Series International Group Exhibit March 12-April 4, 2015 Reception: March 12 , 7-9pm In conjunction with...

Space Filling works in Electron Salon at LACDA, Los Angeles June 12-July 5th 2014
Two of my Algorithmic Space Filling Curve works will be in Los Angeles Center for Digital Art “Electron Salon” show this week. If you are in LA go check it out! LACDA – Los Angeles Center for Digital Art “Electron Salon” International group exhibt June 12-July 5, 2014 Artists’ Reception: June 12, 2014 7-9pm in...

124 New Space Filling Curve Works
Click on the image above or click here to launch the flip book gallery of space filling curve images full screen. This control should work on tablets and phones as well. These works were created algorithmically using a variant of a space filling curve where concentric squares are drawn at significant points along the...

Dallas Aurora 2013 “Watching You Watching Me”
Dallas Aurora 2013 was way over the top this year! Thanks to big sponsors like the Dallas Morning News , BenQ and many others we had lots of promotion and the latest in projection technology to showcase our work. Joshua King, Shane Pennington and Catherine Cuellar organized and executed by far and away the biggest public art event the city has...

Tough Guys wins People’s Choice Award in Digital Graffiti 2013!
Below is a version of the piece on Vimeo: Tough Guys from Don Relyea on Vimeo. Tough Guys was accepted into this years Digital Graffiti festival in Alys Beach Florida. This is a very fun festival to attend in person and is unique in style and locale. “Tough Guys” won the People’s Choice Award...

Mercedes Benz Exhibition 2012-2013
Several prints and canvases from my particle painting project have gone to Mercedes Benz Financial Headquarters in Fort Worth for the 2012-2013 Exhibition. They will be on display from May 2012 to May 2013. A catalog of all the works in the exhibition will be available from the MBFS site. Below are the accepted works....

Particle drawn koi fish for SISU Uptown
This past Fall I created a very large canvas of colorful Koi commissioned for Wade Hampton’s SISU Uptown 2508 Maple Avenue in Downtown Dallas. This piece is 20 foot wide by 80 inches tall and was a lot of fun to create. The SISU buildout crew was fantastic and built the 20ft wide stretchers, all...

Computer Watches 2012 Presidential Debates and Creates Generative Portraits of the Future President of the United States
Computer watches the 2012 US presidential debates and paints generative portraits of the future president of the United States of America, a couple of the moderator and Mitt Romney’s ear. This project is done in Openframeworks and uses opencv and face detection to determine where the people are in the field of view. It paints...

Dallas Aurora 2011 in Downtown Arts District A Huge Success!
Dallas Aurora 2011 was a huge success! “Flowers and Tendrils” as well as “Bombshell” were installed on the roof of the parking garage across from the Winspear on Friday 10/28/2011 as part of the Aurora Dallas 2011 video and art festival. I have been to several similar festivals at this point and Aurora Dallas was...

Algorithmic Exploration of the Square
The above Flickr Sideshow (click this link if on iPad) is a batch of selected images from my ongoing Algorithmic Exploration of the Square series. This project consists of a program that creates a new work every day which it then posts to my blog, flickr, twitter and now defunct tumblr page (I think I maxed the...

John Boehner Crying and Sad John Boehner portraits
With the 2012 elections around the corner I decided to spend some time this week brushing up on my political portraiture skills. So many clowns in Washington, so little time. I thought to myself… hmmm, who should I pick on for this exercise? With all the talk of the debt ceiling John Boehner has been...